
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Time to stop writing

Think, I have written enough today. The funny thing is, I couldn´t stop writing;) The story is nearing the climax, so I have to write that down and find an end. I can´t write a novel without climax and end, you agree with me, do you? It´s so thrilling at the moment, my MC is in troubles, problems are solved now, so no time to stop. Even my cold doesn´t slow down my writing. I need an satisfying end for the draft, I don´t want to stop because NaNo is over. I need it;)
But I have to focus again on my other writing, my assignment. Have to start the 3 chapter at the weekend. Maybe I also want to write and write - and finish soon. NaNo helped me to get prepared for my next challenge as well. And another good thing about writing is--besides the fun and reflections--,  you forget about problems.

Doesn´t want to give up and dares the cold.

Enjoy you day!


  1. I love this little plant so beautiful in the snow... it must be cold, isn't it?

    I also think history without hot weather, with no end in suspense, not much fun! If only I imagine how it could be what you're writing, I might suggest something... hum... I wonder... shhhhhhhhh the head is warming... fuuuuuuuuuuuuu

    What I'm talking now is only funny in Portuguese: um beijo, um queijo, um abraço e um laço.


  2. Yeah, it´s cold, but can get much colder here- about 25°F . Do you have Celsius? Then it would be -4° C.

    My wannabe-novel is about a Native American young man and his way through life;)

    ..and I don´t know Portuguese, I know the beijo and think abraco (abrazo in Spanish) is a hug, the other 2 words are unclear to me...what do they mean?

  3. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I know what is -10°. It was this temperature when I went in England in 1991.

    Look, I said the phrase that is funny to hear in Portuguese, the sound is nice and rhyme... ahahahaha

    Beijo = kiss
    Queijo = cheese
    Abraço = hug
    Laço = loop
    Do you want one of those things now?

    \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/

  4. I´d need some cheese for dinner;)

    Have you been to London?

  5. It's raining hard right now, honey... the sound of rain gives me a peace... delicious...

    When I went to England in january 1991(how long, my God!), I was in Southampton, Bournemouth, Oxford, Winchester and London. In London, I found it all very beautiful and it was very cold! I saw many people from different countries, and there was so much brazilians in the street. I confess I had missed Brasil there. I love my country despite all that talk about here.

    Well, I could spend hours talking to you, but I'm so tired today, dear mARTy... then... it's "Time to stop writing!" ;)

    Kisses, honey, and a lot of cheese "with love from me to you" \O/


    "... If there's anything I can do
    Just call on me and I'll send it along
    With love from me to you ... "

    Thank you for your friendship!
    And thanks also for talking to me.


  6. ..and here it´s just snowing and snowing ********
    You know, I thought , I´d know many Beatles´songs, but this one was new to me- thanks for introducing;) Hope you are better today-- and it is nice, writing to you;) Have a good day;)

  7. http://www.likesbooks.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/natural_cheese.jpg


  8. Delicious... I love cheese... of all types and flavors!

    If you allow me a suggestion, since it's cold: invite your love to take a wine and cheese accompanied by bread. It's cozy, romantic... especially near a fireplace. ;)


    Have a beautiful weekend.

    Many kisses, "with love from me to you!

  9. yummy! the photo makes me hungry;)) cool suggestion, by the way!


Thanks for spending some time on writing your comment- wish you a happy day;-)