again, nothing written ;(
ok, I walked through the botanical garden and the colors of the trees are so amazing at the moment so I took many pictures instead of sitting at home. And through walking I moved my body to burn some calories;)
so hard to motivate myself to stay inside and write. The last 2 years November was so cold, rainy and windy. It was easy to decide to stay at home.
This year the writing month is so beautiful and warm, no real November weather, and the leaves on the trees are so beautiful and because of no freeze most of the trees have their colored leaves... so as a photographer I have to go out - as writer I should stay at home.
My excuse for not writing--I´m no real writer;)just a drafter..
so keep writing out there, I´ll take the pictures for you;)
Here one is
NaNo, day 6-
words written today about 200;(
calories eaten today...uncountable
result: I think I´m participating on NaCaCoMo (National Calories Collecting Month;)
Yesterday, lunch and dinner with friends , driving distance 112 km
today, lunch and dinner, driving distance 50 km
tomorrow, next lunch with friend, driving distance 20 km
the day after tomorrow.......
I don´t find enough time for writing at the moment-although my plot is an interesting one-
but after all these colories and hours in the car I am too tired to even think of writing.
Next weekend, the next b-day writing again.
On the one hand I am a bit frustrated because of my word count and all these calories- but on the other hand I am happy because of all these great meetings and the delicious food.
So, am I happy, am I sad? hour ago I got a great apple strudel - Yummy!I´m happy;)))
Wow, it´s getting tougher. Second day of NaNo and I have to write 1700 words- but till now I managed 1416 words only.
Had to take a break because my Mcs have started a conversation about food.
Result- now i am hungry! And a bit annoyed because of their boring conversation... so, what is next?
a good dinner...ok, a bread with ham is good enough for a NaNo dinner;)
especially after a perfect lunch with roast boar;))
maybe I´ll get another idea how to interrupt my MCs talk...
the novel writing month!
OK, it´s the first day of this month and I nearly forgot it:)
I know the main characters of my story but I´m not sure how to start the whole plot...
Today I have to cook for guests, talk to them so when will there be time to write 1700 words?
Ok, now I´ll stop blogging and start writing my draft.
To all the other NaNoWriMo-ers out there- keep writing!
See you;)
For the weekend...
I don´t have time for anything at the moment -- except music.
Is it possible to squeeze in some more hours in a day??
Ok, one hour is possible this night-change to winter time:)
6 pounds of nuts- the result of today´s walk.
Cannot wait to get nut-"strudel"- a pastry filled with nuts, rum and raisins;)))
Here a recipe, a typical X-mas pastry here in Europe, especially in Austria and Germany.
But I hope, I don´t have to wait till X-mas to get it.
So I´ll bake it with my mum soon;)
The Man Booker Prize 2011 - Julian Barnes
Music-corner: Placido, Netrebko and Villazon.
I love their voices, their acting. Watch all of them and
enjoy Lehar´s music, great voices and perfect performances!
First time I do research for my novel, first time I create charts, mindmaps and draw.
All preparations for NaNoWriMo in November-the novel-writing-month.
I´ve started to use pencil and paper and now I realize, the more ideas I have,
the more my paper size, my DIN norm changes.
Started with DIN A8 (a little block) now I use DIN A4.
At the moment I really enjoy researching, maybe a bit too much.
Because doing it online can lead to much distraction;)
So I have to listen to music on Youtube--all for my future novel.
Lost in the virtual world for some time--today with a good excuse.
But someone cannot enjoy too much, or?
Now it´s your time to enjoy some music and a great video;) Music-corner: Celine Dion, Rivers deep, mountains high
It´s nearly noon and I´m hungry.
So I buy a bottle of water and 2 wholemeal rolls in a supermarket.
I prefer a warm and healthy lunch but there are timeswhen I´m happy with that "meal".
There´s an old gentleman in front of me- I have to wait for a minute,
I check the time on my cellphone, ok, I´m relieved, there is
time enough to eat the roll before the meeting but I have to hurry.
So my stomache won´t growl during the discussion, that´s all I think at the moment.
Quickly I take the too big paperbag with 2 rolls in it in the right hand, the bottle of water as well, in the left hand there I squeeze my cellphone between my wallet and the belt of my rucksack.
Ok, hands are made for carrying, feet for walking, I know. And the mouth for eating- not only but in this moment my mouth´s main function is food intake-
as quickly as possible.
I nearly run down the street when I hear a voice beside me.
" Excuse me, madam."
Madam? That´s not me,I´m sure.
"Sorry to interrupt your meal." Again the same voice.
I turn my head and see the old gentleman from the supermarket.
"Your quick walk, actually your lunch besides walking inspired me."
"Hmm." That´s the only sound I can make.
Firstly, Knigge says not to talk with a full mouth.
Secondly, I´m not interested in a conversation, I have to eat and don´t want to be late.
Thirdly, he is not my type and
simply is too old for me.
But I´m a bit curious now. How can I inspire this man?
"I´m just wondering whether it is good for the body to eat while walking or not. What might happen with the saturated fats?"
What? Is he a doctor? I don´t stop eating my roll- he doesn´t stop talking about healthy food and biochemical functions and whatever.
And he goes as quickly as I do.
I turn left, he does the same. Now I know about cholesterol reduced meals.
I turn right to cross the street.
Guess what my lecturing gentleman does?
He follows me to the building I have to enter.
Now I´m curious. Will he follow me again?
Now after 10 minutes this lecture about the human body, food intake and all the biochemical functions has become somehow funny.
How will his lecture end?
I open the door and now he waves and pulls off his hat.
"Good bye!It was a pleasure," he says, smiles and goes away.
I have to wave, too. Just instinctively. "Good bye!" I´m not sure what to think about this event.
Maybe this conversation
although nearly a monologue
made his day.
If so, I´m happy for him.
Story 2
Now it´s after the meeting, I´m back in the city. I sit in my car and have to stop at the red light.
It´s a 2 lane street.Another car stops near me.
I listen to some music. Suddenly I hear a car horn.
I look into the driving mirror- no car behind me.
Again the noise. I turn left. There a man waves and he points at his open
window. He wants me to do the same, so I open my window in order to give him some driving instructions.
But he smiles. he doesn´t seeem to be lost in the city.
After checking the light- it´s still red- I pop my head out of the window to hear the man a bit louder.
"You know a good coffee-shop there?"
While I control the light status I describe the way to the nearest coffee-shop.
"I just want to invite you. Let´s meet there in some minutes." The driver says.
"Thanks. I have no time." I answer with a smile. That has happened once before. I get more and more invitations at traffic lights;) Great to live in a city.
"Just for an expresso. Just 3 minutes!" He doesn´t give up.
"No, sorry!" That´s all I can reply- the light turns green now and we both have to drive away.
What a day......
here is some music.
And watch out, maybe you might be invited at the next traffic light or get a lecture about the human body on your way to work- for free;)
Music-corner: What a day- Whazz, an Austrian band. Enjoy;)
... and here the difficulty starts. First doubts...hmm, shall I change #1 and #2?
What´s more important in life?
I leave the order that way because ill I cannot enjoy family life, or?
So, you see it´s not that easy to answer the question.
Better not to number the answers, makes it a lot easier.
So what matters are
-feelings and thoughts (love,..)
-good food and drinks
and this point leads to something else...grammar.
Grammar is an important part of all languages in all communications, isn´t it?
Grammar does matter- or what do you think?
As a Star-Trek fan I was amused to hear a discussion about the last sentence of this introduction
in a linguistic lecture yesterday. boldly go where no man has gone before... So, lets talk about prescriptive vs. descriptive grammar...ok, just kidding. But it was funny to listen to a man, trying to imitate the narrator´s voice of Starship Enterprise;)
Do Sci-Fi Movies matter in life? Ok, I´ll leave it up to you. I want to add more and more points but
I want to read about your thoughts.
What does matter in your life?
A funny dance video with Austrian VIPs-
at the beginning the moderator points at the importance of preventive check-ups.
All women should see their doctor once a year for a mammogram.
Oh, , I love time lapses!!
One is able to see so much in such a short time- impressing, isn´t it?
On the one hand it´s a great method for saving time and seeing a lot;) On the other hand it´s a disturbing experience--time is flying too fast, there isn´t place for relaxation, patience, inner silence...
although I love to watch this time lapse, I´d prefer walking along the lake, taking some pictures or
sitting on the rocks....beautiful;)
But the rose time lapse is great, too. Wish you a great weekend, my friends.
(Unfortunately I cannot post comments at the moment;(( so sorry!)
But thanks for all your kind comments;))
Today I saw these snack-sticks in the supermarket-
a snack- company (Soletti!) supports Pink Ribbon as official pink ribbon partner
I find it a great idea- worth supporting!
Although the official Breast cancer awareness month is October, some pink ribbon events will take place in September.
Sept, 28 -
Fete Pink in Vienna-Palais Auersperg-tickets here.
So, some music for the day- another genre.
It´s a sunny day here;) and I´ll have a BBQ!
Good music+good food+good company=perfect day
Wish you a perfect one as well!
is important to me- and I love all kinds of music;)
so I just want to introduce a great music-band from Upper Austria- winner of the Upper Austrian Music-award (over 200 participating bands!)
Take some time- just 7 minutes-to receive an impression for brass music.
It´s worth spending time, you´ll see. Oh, how I missed music!
Have a great weekend!
takes place in Vienna- 3 days - about 3 million visitors- 18 stages (for all kinds of music,pop, rock, hard rock, alternative, western, folk, gospel, - concerts , entertainment, sports,... here are some videos and info.
and the best-- all for free;)
What? Recommending Chris Cleave´s "Little Bee".
"Little Bee will blow you away"(Washington Post)
#1 New York Times bestseller that is "immensely readable and affecting story of human triumph" (NY Times book review)
I could go on and on and write about all the positive reviews-
just read the first chapter and form an opinion.
Check out the author´s homepage here (where you´ll find the first chapter): Chris Cleave
Have to get his other book "Incendiary" soon.
Anyone out there who read this book or plans to read it?
Enjoy your weekend- and your online access;)
In 1 week I´ll have to return this borrowed laptop-- and mine hasn´t been repaired;(
Art is an essential part of my life- and it has turned out that writing means more to me than I have ever thought of.
Because of many reasons I couldn´t post here. I just can use another laptop sometimes and I am not able to post my photos and revise my drafts or be creative for my art-blog-where I received my first award.(Surprise and many thanks to Teca;)
I have so many great pics to share but no possibility at the moment to post them;(
The laptop I use now has no software for "editing" my art;(
I have no access to many email-adresses and all my other data--horrible as well!I haven´t saved my second draft and so many other important things...
I am frustated because I´m not able to work, write and blog as before...
Hope my laptop will be repaired soon!
After a great week in my fav city (thanks B.!) I Just came home from another trip (Balaton-Hungary)and now between writing these lines and preparing for the job I have to get ready for visiting my parents in the evening...
I don´t spend a lot of time at home at the moment but that´s ok.
There´d be so much to tell but no time right now. No time for music links,.....but I take some time for advertising a book although I haven´t read the whole (I just got it)
I have never recommended a book in this stage of reading-- but the beginning is so interesting and the style of writing so great and different- that I break my own rule
get Chris Cleave´s "Little Bee" and be ready for the unexpected,...
Celebrating the joy of life and the diversity of cultures, Life Ball unites the Viennese ball tradition with opulence, extravagance, glamour, provocation, fancy performances, committed speeches as well as emotional moments.(Life-ball 2011)
I couldn´t resist posting other clips from the great opening ceremony (Wiener Festwochen)-
I had to do it and I know, some of you love music as I do- so here the most famous church song of Austria ( and other German speaking countries)- Schubert´s Heilig (holy)
sang from many choirs in the Abbey Church at the Stift Melk in Lower Austria--Cultural World Heritage
the beauty of the architecture is worth watching the clip as well;)
Music is so relaxing and distracting--therefore and because of the opening of the Wiener Festwochen (a culural high seaason in Austria) I post so many music videos these days;)
Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
Here I found one gospel from the opening ceremony 2 days ago:
Lay your hand in his!
and here Austria´s participant of the European song contest-Nadine and the winner country Asserbaijan-
In Vienna’s “Rathausplatz” (City Hall Square) and three other locations across the country, numerous Austrian choirs sang together yesterday, performing the “Ode to Joy” among other compositions. From these ensembles, the competition “Ă–sterreich singt” (Austrian Sings), which is organised by the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation ORF in co-operation with Wiener Festwochen and the Austrian Choral Association, selected the best of the best – and hence, those who will participate in the live inauguration event.(
A cool event--and many friends and family-members watched the ceremony and sang together with "the rest of the country"--including me;))
Here some impressions, the first I found on youtube this morning. Maybe I´ll post some others later but I have to get prepared for a BBQ--positive stress;)
Enjoy your free time and listen to these fab choirs and realize the beautiful architecture--the City Hall and the Burgtheater behind the conductor!!!
And join the singing, you´ll find the text- Classical Karaoke:)
Let´s sing!
Just a short post in between--lot of work to do, so I have no time for real writing. The last week and the following ones will be another challenge. Sometimes the job dominates private life. Although I cannot stand that situation, I have to deal with it. But getting up at 5.45am after a 6 hours sleep---horrible for me.
Well, many things you cannot change in life, they have to be accepted.
But I´m learning that I have to find ways to relax myself a bit and cool down after hard days.
Health comes first. Cool quote but not always easy to follow that rule.
Could do some workout, no time for that ;(
Just some music---hmm
I love that we can watch performances of the Metropolitan Opera live in cinemas here;)
One of my favorite operas-Bizet´s Carmen-cools you down when you sing along--bit exhausting;) and better than a workout today!
Enjoy your day and don´t let your job dominate you;) Lol
Last week I went through the park of Schönbrunn- a cultural jewel of Vienna. I have never seen so much wild garlic in the city before! I love it;) You can cook soup, make a "strudel", eat it with potatoes, make a spread, and so on´s healthy as well. Although the smell is a bit- let´s say-needs getting used to.
Enjoy your virtual walk through Schönbrunn- and have a great day.