The last 2 days I was out of order- just ill. I didn´t have the energy to write, read or even think of doing this. Being ill is boring, frustrating,..but reminds me of one of the important things in life or simply the most important thing -health.
But back again here are my promised photos from my trip to Lake Neusiedl, the second largest steppe lake in Europe- near the Austrian- Hungarian border.
Was a lovely day

sunny without clouds, I could see and smell spring everywhere.

The first time I saw cut reed -used for roofs and baskets.Quite interesting.
Rust, a small village near the lake, is famous for its storks , too. You find them on nearly every roof there.

See the nests on the chimneys?
How I missed writing, but now I´m ready for revising my course-draft. Think it´s the 8th version... Now I ´ll try to create more tension- with the help of using different times in my writing. Have to do it to see if it really works.
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Thanks for spending some time on writing your comment- wish you a happy day;-)