Books, books, books! Just a look into my library;-) that´s why I don´t have a guestroom anylonger-
just kidding, again!
It´s a bookstore in Salem; impressive, isn´t it?
I don´t need so many books at the moment; I´m very modest- I just need 3 new ones. Not a big deal you might think.
You have no idea how Iceland´s volcano has effect on the whole transportation system! Today I found out that I´ll get my books at the end of June!! They aren´t in stock nearly in whole Europe.
I just hope that I don´t have to read too much before the course´ll start. Normally I can pick up my books within a few days,´cause Amazon delivers quicker than all the bookstores around. Never mind.
Perhaps some kind pilots´ll fly faster than allowed, so I´ll get my books sooner:-) Ok, I don´t want to bring them into troubles, I promise to be patient and watch the sky- for planes and ash-clouds;-) And honestly, what else could I do?
Did I mention that I miss NYC´s bookstores? Strand´s, Barnes and Noble,....Alas! Hope I´ll be back this summer! The Lincoln Center Festival will take place
and Shakespeare in the Park would be interesting.
But too far away- like my books;-) ...and hopefully a new ash-cloud!
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