
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter!

I wish you happy easter and a good time with family and friends;)

Music-Corner: Haendel "Halleluja!" I loved to sing that;))
Enjoy the great music !


  1. I loved this photo! It even seems fitting!
    What bliss! Cool!
    Friends, family, beijos, chocolates, queijos(?), color, joy, love, much love!
    Wonderful song, honey!
    Thank you for all!
    You're outstanding!

    Look what I got for your Easter:


  2. https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_l99M3nJC6ag/R-A89lqdErI/AAAAAAAABhM/4DsK2VHGk3k/pascoa%2520%2528148%2529.gif

    Beijos, chocolates and love, honey!


  3. I hope you had a lovely holiday!

  4. Teca-- thanks for the rabbits;)You ´re right- cheese and chocolate don´t fit-but maybe it´d be worth a try;) Hope, your easter days were as cool and relaxing as mine;) Have a great week!
    Beijos e chocolate! Chocolate é meu ponto fraco;) (Is that correct? I don´t mean the meaning;))

    Kala-- thanks for stopping by;) I hope your holidays were great, too. I´m curious of the opening hours of your Etsyshop;) Have a great day with better weather now-hopefully;))

  5. Hi, honey! My Easter holidays were very nice... very quiet, had a lot of sun, sky blue and chocolate! I also love chocolate, especially bittersweet. Queijo and chocolate should give a tummy ache, isn't it? ;) It may be a good experience in cooking... How about that? :))
    "Chocolate é meu ponto fraco" too!
    Have a nice week, my sweet friend with beijos and flowers.

    ______________** _________


Thanks for spending some time on writing your comment- wish you a happy day;-)