Today was my last holiday;( Knowing about this weeks daily must-to-do work I decided to go on with my revisions of my second draft. I revised the whole afternoon- from 2 to 6- with 2 short breaks in between.
The funny thing was that I forgot many scenes- they were so new to me! Really interesting to start revisions after 3 months again. (But difficult to remember as well! I have no idea what I wanted to say with some unfinished sentences! Help!)
Some scenes were filled with so much cruelty (good for tension!), others were so irreal or in some parts the main character (MC) only used the F-word or varieties of it in many sentences.
Ok, he was very angry in that scene but couldn´t he use other cuss words? Who the hell did write these scenes??;)
Now I am in the position to decide whether to use the F-word or not.
Censorship or not- that´s the question.
But on the one hand I fight censorship in books and stand up for freedom of thoughts- censorship would restrict my freedom of expression.To get a realistic scene, the MC had to use these words. So why shouldn´t I use it ?
On the other hand I´ve never written such an aggressive scene before nor did I write down the F-word. Ok, it´s my second draft, my second story- but these could be other reasons for my indecision....Hmmm.....
To get the scene alive I have to use the unwanted word- BUT
the next trouble, the next decision: Should I really write the whole word? Or just make some dots in between?
My MC would laugh at me and tell me to write down the whole word because he would speak in that way.
So what is the best for the reader? What´s the best for the writer?
I have never imagined that one single word could cause such problems! ****
Readers are different and I cannnot give satisfaction to every reader- that´s impossible- unfortunately;(
One word - so many decisions!
I hope to find a good solution for this scene because I won´t delete it- it´s too essential.