
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Life- a never ending learning journey

Ok, I try to keep calm.....(deep breath,  another deeper breath)

I just learnt something new.
Great, another new experience! you might think.
Here is today´s great new insight I want to share with you for free:

Never ever try to save written work in an e-mail attached file.
Your work won´t be saved.
The result of my 2 hours writing session?
A document without comments;((((((((( Don´t ask me how this could have happed.
And I wrote so much--and nothing was saved --although I pressed the save-button.
(Again a deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep breath to get over the disappointement)

I should have saved the whole file in one of my word-document-orders first.

So, see?
I´ve learnt something new. The hard way....

Time to get some distraction again.
It´s not my week for writing...


But isn´t life great? Full of so many learning opportunities! I´d rather be happy now;/

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Overworked? Sad? Tired? ...? Colors and Music will help;)

If you need some distraction as I do at the moment (to forget about my revision problem) or simply want to be cheered up - I have the fitting stuff for you.
Just watch the clip a friend just sent me.
You´ll be amazed and maybe speechless. At least you´ll have a great time ;)


Perfect light show

 And Thanks, Teca, for the clip;)
That´s what I´ve found;) lightshow in Ottawa
If that hasn´t made you happy, here some music-


Here you´ll hear the YouTube orchestra with 101 musicians from over 30 countries who make up the YouTube Symphony Orchestra 2011!!
And see a perfect light spectacle in Sidney. It´s gorgeous!!!
Have a good one;)

Bad, bad Conscience

I shouldn´t have! How could I? My first thoughts this morning after a short night.
Was it ok to post about a cuss word? The F-word?
Anyway, I did it.Have to live with my decision. Whether it was a bad or good one.I could delete the post but that would be another kind of censorship, so I don´t do it.
This word causes more problems than expected.
I´m not sure whether I´d post the same in my mother tongue...
writing in a second language is like using a kind of invisible ..hmm...protective? shield.
Have to think about that today-with bad conscience, the price for fighting censorship........

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fighting Censorship?!

Today was my last holiday;( Knowing about this weeks daily must-to-do work I decided to go on with my revisions of my second draft. I  revised the whole afternoon- from 2 to 6- with 2 short breaks in between.

The funny thing was that I forgot many scenes- they were so new to me! Really interesting to start revisions after 3 months again. (But difficult to remember as well! I have no idea what I wanted to say with some unfinished sentences! Help!)

Some scenes were filled with so much cruelty (good for tension!), others were so irreal or in some parts the main character (MC) only used the F-word or varieties of it in many sentences.
Ok, he was very angry in that scene but couldn´t he use other cuss words? Who the hell did write these scenes??;)

Now I am in the position to decide whether to use the F-word or not.
Censorship or not- that´s the question.

But on the one hand I fight censorship in books and stand up for freedom of thoughts- censorship would restrict my freedom of expression.To get a realistic scene, the MC had to use these words. So why shouldn´t I use it ?

On the other hand I´ve never written such an aggressive scene before nor did I write down the F-word. Ok, it´s my second draft, my second story- but these could be other reasons for my indecision....Hmmm.....
To get the scene alive I have to use the unwanted word- BUT
the next trouble, the next decision: Should I really write the whole word? Or just make some dots in between?
My MC would laugh at me and tell me to write down the whole word because he would speak in that way.

So what is the best for the reader? What´s the best for the writer?
I have never imagined that one single word could cause such problems! ****
Readers are different and I cannnot give satisfaction to every reader- that´s impossible- unfortunately;(

One word - so many decisions!
I hope to find a good solution for this scene because I won´t delete it- it´s too essential.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Nabucco Mood

I love music and like to compare interpretations of different singers from the same piece of music-
Tonight I got stuck... just listened to Verdi´s Nabucco. Great composer.

I don´t like all version but find them interesting in one or the other way- make your own opinion and enjoy

# Metropolitan Opera NY-version  Va Pensiero

# Italian version conducted by R. Muti

# Viennese Version- Vienna Opera

# Pavarotti and Zucchero

#   Zucchero and Sinead O´Connor

Same music-piece but different interpretations- really interesting to listen to. The first 3 seem to be the same but there are differences in tempo, soundlevel,....

Easter holidays, food and revisions

Hope you had great easter days;)
We had the perfect weather-like in summer.
Now I have enough energy for revisiong N2;)
Just have to be more consequent and write one hour a day, than I´d be ready soon.
It´s a lot easier to revise during holidays than after work...and bad weather helps me as well to go on with my revisions.
Anyway, have a good one;) and enjoy the music!



Apple Tiramisu is easy to make and very variable. I made it today for the next family meeting and it was great! And kids will love it;)

Eros Ramazotti and Tina Turner Cosas de la vida

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter!

I wish you happy easter and a good time with family and friends;)

Music-Corner: Haendel "Halleluja!" I loved to sing that;))
Enjoy the great music !

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Flowers and Sun

Wanted to post my newest photos and share some Viennese music from Strauss. Such sunny spring days! I love to take pictures out there--especially in the late evening. Now I have enough to post for the coming 2 years;)) Enjoy Strauß and the colors!


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Songs for Japan

                                                     I´m in the happy position of being able to enjoy the beauty in my surroundings-- and I do appreciate that. Some people aren´t that lucky. I found a  possibility to support people in Japan via Amazon. There you can buy "songs for Japan" to help people in this region.

Music-Corner- songs for Japan:
You´ll find them on the CD-I´ll post some of them:

and many, many more...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

I just felt in love

with that tree. I recently came home from a walk through the park and saw that awesome tree. I had to post it. Isn´t it gorgeous?

Enjoy your day;)

For Readers and Rockers;)

News Corner:

World Book Day- Unesco- April 23 

Music Corner: Rock it!!!!

Anastacia "Paid my dues"

AC/DC Back in Black

and Rock´n Roll Train

Friday, April 15, 2011

Recipes- search with music;))

Nothing about writing or spring lethargy today. I got so many zucchinis and I´m searching for great recipes. Any ideas? Have a great weekend!

Enjoy the music in my corner;)

Music-corner in French and  English

Celine Dion "Pour Que Tu M'aimes Encore"

Enjoy each day of life- Celine Dion´s "I´m alive!!!"

Beyonce & Tina Turner perform "Proud Mary"

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Springtime Lethargy

Springtime lethargy! Are you tired as well? I nearly cannot stand up in the morning, in the afternoon it´s hard to to my job and then I go to bed so early! Like a very long jetlag....Hope it´s over soon.

Need to post this blossoms--reminds me of warmer weather some weeks ago. Today- just cold , windy and some snowflakes. Yes, it´s that cold again here!

But therefore I finished revising my assignment! Thank God! Now I have time to revise my other 2 novel drafts;) LOL!!! Ok, I need some time for doing nothing but sleeping. As I said before- springtime lethargy!

The fitting music in this case: Brahms Lullaby, oh, sweet childhood memories;))

So,  enjoy Brahms´ music and sleep well! I ´ll do that;)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Revisions and Vacations

The first BBQ this year- yeahh!!!
Beautiful weather, butterflies, twittering of birds, smell of flowers....sooooooooooo relaxing!
It was great to have a little break between my revisions.

I was angry about my laziness in the last days; I didn´t revise a lot (because of the great weather and too many other things).
Ok, it wasn´t the weather´s fault.
It has been my own fault not to finish revisions on time.
My deadline was the end of March, now it´s April;(
but today I revised the missing last 40 + pages, so just 3 pages are left.
I ´ve organized another meeting with friends- and then, I want to be finished. So, just a few days are left, then I have to be ready. I don´t want to revise the draft anylonger-
it´s so exhausting to revise mostly in the evening...
it´s about time to do something else in the sun;)
I want some days off-I need them!! Just let me dream of vacations!

Music-corner: Vacation-song by Nelly Furtado: VACACIÒN!!!! Great music for dreaming of vacations;) Just listen and think of sea, sun and whatever you need to be happy and relax;)