
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Take a break!

I decided to do so, and it´s Saturday. I wrote 3 pages in the morning for my assignment, went to the city to get some chocolates for the little ones for St. Nicholas day, came back and wrote again- this time for my novel. I try to find an end for the story, but I think, I have to write a lot more than suggested. But I made a decision whether to let my MC die or not. But no more about that now;) Have to create some tension for my readers;)

Now, after cooking and eating, I decided to make a break.
A friend gave me a video from Yann Arthus -Bertrand- a photographer, whose exhibit I have seen first in Sweden, then later in Vienna. He is famous for his photos from all over the world, seen from above.
Here is the trailer to the movie "Home".

Check it out and enjoy. If you are interested in nature and our world, you´ll be amazed!
Yann Arthus -Bertrand, Home.


  1. I've saved the video link, it seems to be very good! Thanks for the tip and sharing.

    I enjoy coming here, because you speak a little of everything: music, film, dance, life... it's too good to be in touch with you. Brief moments, but they're very nice!

    A special hug for you honey. ;)

  2. I enjoy sharing thoughts and laughter with you as well;)You ´ll see, the movie is soooo great! Such terrific sceneries, sometimes a bit irreal, but often so beautiful. Enjoy it;)

  3. mARTy, just one word: OUTSTANDING!

    Thank you for sharing, honey!

    Beijos e queijos! :)))))

  4. You´re welcome! Beijos e queijos, too;)


Thanks for spending some time on writing your comment- wish you a happy day;-)