You know these days, when nothing succeeds? No? Lucky you. And if your answer is YES- welcome to the club!
But, tomorrow will be another day;)))) Yipeee!
The music exactelly is the perfect one, so, keep rocking!
Give it a try! And try to bake this focaccia - recipe from Jamie Oliver;)
Or try the bread with smoked trout or salmon, or with avocado, or blue cheese, or simply with butter and cress or ...., ok I´m hungry, have to get some food.
Today I have to get some writing done- all I need is "sitzfleisch" and patience ( with me and my laptop), that´s all. Sounds so simple but it will be such a challenge.
Music-corner: Queen- see above;)
Make the best out of your day as well! See you around,
Step by step, little by little , I get my writing done. I thought to be ready!
But I haven´t thought of formatting problems...At the moment, I´m ok with that, have enough time to get it done. Time to go to a b-day party ;)) therefore the songs in the
Again some photos from Vienna- the town hall behind a big skating area. I added a plan that you can imagine the place there.
No real writing and reading at the moment. What´s "real" writing? Or reading? Blogging is writing and it really happens--so? Ok, I´m writing mails and posts (not revisions,...), I read travel guides and this one is really cool- great infos and many pics, maps and photos, I love to see what I read about.
So, I enjoy my weekend and have fun with friends;) Enjoy your day as well!! In one day, and soon I´ll start with my "real" reading and writing again;)))
Monday, February 7, 2011
62 °F- or 17°C!! It´s so warm here! Like in April or May.
But a great temperature to walk around after a meeting;)
How shall I start?
Life is full of surprises, isn´t it?
Great. We all know that. Remember you last moment of surprise.
Just experienced another one.I wrote about my course, my revisions and therefore my lack of time.
All true. But what´s the moment of surprise ? My boring introduction ;)?
I have 1 and a half day for revising my draft (this time not my novel.)
Where is the surprise??
Ok, the surprising fact : I´m ready right now. No more to revise for now.
That´s beyond me.
How could I finish that early?
Possible answer:
* too less to revise-------not really
* badly done work-------no
* quicker writer, because of writing a lot------think that´s the explanation
But it´s funny to realize changes in my composing behaviour as well as in my work speed.
So, for tonight, Speedy-mARTy is greeting you------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here I am!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and now -to bed!¡Arriba!
PS: Hope, you all know Mexico´s fastest mouse-although I´m not a mouse;)))
Just saw some photos from Chicago´s Lakeshore-Drive. OMG- I know that region and hope, everyone is ok out there-despite the snow.
I´m used to snow but that is beyond me!
A friend had to stay in NY for another night, because his flight had been cancelled.
Tomorrow my course will start, looking forward to seeing my friends.
I don´t have enough time to write and read what I want to, but I hope to be able to start my revisions and write feedback as soon as possible.
I try to squeeze in some cultural events as well- A MUST--an exhibit about expressionism;)) The blue rider- Kandinsky,Marc, Klee and Kubin ! ..and then I´ll attend an Irish Dance Show;) (Seeing them will be my workout for this week;)))lol... and before "Oscar-time" there are a lot of great movies out there- but I won´t have enough time to watch them now.
So, have a great and peaceful weekend everywhere!
Best music for today: Tina Turner "Simply the best", one of the best Pop-concerts I´ve ever attended;)
Best book for today:Blue rider, DĂĽchting--in preparation for the exhibit;)
Best wishes for today;))
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Hey, 6003 pageviews! Cool ;) One great thing today.
Too tired to post actually something meaningful, but want to. ( I´d need holidays...)
Again something planned has changed in the last minute... I cannot handle it in a good way but have to. I made plans for the next days, rearranged dates and a b-day party, planned everything around that happening- now it´s different.
Hmm... that´s life. Have to be more flexible, I suppose. But do I want to ?
How do you handle last minute changes? Maybe I can learn something;)