Today I had enough motivation and energy to start again with my revision process.
This time revision is different from last year´s. Last November I made lists of my characters before starting to write the novel. I knew about their job, their age and family situation,... all in all , I knew basic infos about the MCs. With my key data I began to write and developed the plot.
This year I just knew that my MC was male, I knew his nationality and wanted him to have troubles in his life. That was all. Surprisingly for me, I managed to write more than 50.000 words without enough data collection before.
But-- now I have to make lists of my MCs , after writing. Interesting thing. Because of no list and basic infos, the names, the age of persons, their family status quo,....everything changed throughout the story.
Once the person is married, then she is a widow, one time the MC lives in the city , 60 pages later he lives with his parents in a village,....
My o my, enough to do.
But I´m feeling like a detective, like Columbo, trying to find out all about a person´s life;) So this time the revision process is more fun for me, it´s thrilling;) you never know what happens next.
But to be honest, it´s more complicated, too.
10 pages later I found out about the difference in age--so I can jump back and find the place, where I have to correct something. That´s a bit nerve wracking.
Hopefully I´ll have enough energy to handle that "searching-game".
Keep writing and have fun!