NaNo, day 6-
words written today about 200;(
calories eaten today...uncountable
result: I think I´m participating on NaCaCoMo (National Calories Collecting Month;)
Yesterday, lunch and dinner with friends , driving distance 112 km
today, lunch and dinner, driving distance 50 km
tomorrow, next lunch with friend, driving distance 20 km
the day after tomorrow.......
I don´t find enough time for writing at the moment-although my plot is an interesting one-
but after all these colories and hours in the car I am too tired to even think of writing.
Next weekend, the next b-day writing again.
On the one hand I am a bit frustrated because of my word count and all these calories-

but on the other hand I am happy because of all these great meetings and the delicious food.
So, am I happy, am I sad? hour ago I got a great apple strudel - Yummy!I´m happy;)))
Food corner:
Apple strudel recipe